Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Fight the Power, Part XX..

As an Advocate, one must be ever vigillant, because Big Brother and Uncle Sam will always try to pull a fast one...

Action Alert: CMS Trying to Change the Rules for the Nursing Home Waiver!


New York State has prepared an application for the Nursing Home Diversion Waiver Program. This program, based upon funding structure and regulations of other community based waiver program, allows a livable monthly income for spouses of individuals receiving community-based waiver services. Now, the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) want to change the rules, which would force people to choose between a sub-poverty standard of living, or placing their spouse in a nursing home! We need to send a message to the Directors of CMS not to change the rules!


1. Follow this hyperlink to CDR's website http://capwiz.com/rochestercdr/issues/alert/?alertid=8788736&type=CU&azip=14609&bzip=4115&show_alert=1

2. Go to Nursing Home Waiver in Jeopardy. Press the Take Action button.

3. Type your name and address in the blank boxes.

4. Send this message to a friend!

It is VERY IMPORTANT that the disability and senior communities, and those who care about seniors and people with disabilities take action on this critical issue!


It is the song that never ends
And it goes on and on my friends...

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